Search Results: "Steinar H. Gunderson"

10 November 2015

Steinar H. Gunderson: Launch

We launched Offline Maps!

5 November 2015

Steinar H. Gunderson: Let's Encrypt Varnish plugin

I made a Varnish authentication plugin for the Let's Encrypt client. I dislike the huge amount of magic and layers of, well, stuff in the client, but the project is hugely important for the web, and I doubt there will be another ACME client anytime soon, so I can just as well get on the bandwagon. :-) It's really ugly. But it works for me.

1 November 2015

Steinar H. Gunderson: YUV color primaries

Attention: If these two videos don't both look identical (save for rounding errors) to each other and to this slide, it has broken understanding of YUV color primaries, and will render lots of perfectly normal video subtly off in color, one way or the other. Remux in MP4 instead of MPEG-TS here, for easier testing in browsers etc.: First, second. Chrome passes with perfect marks, Iceweasel segfaults on both (GStreamer's quality or lack thereof continues to amaze me). MPlayer and VLC both get one of them wrong (although VLC gets it more right if you use its screenshot function to save a PNG to disk, so check what's actually on the screen); ffmpeg with PNG output gets it right but ffplay doesn't. Edit to add: The point is the stable picture, not the flickering in the first few frames, of course. The video was encoded quite hastily.

27 November 2013

Steinar H. Gunderson: Stockfish

The open-source chess program Stockfish recently climbed to the top of the TCEC rating lists. Even though it does not seem likely to win the actual TCEC tournament (it is 15.5 11.5 down in the 48-game superfinal against Komodo, a closed-source commercial program, after winning 4, losing 8 and drawing 15), this is a tremendeous achievement. This is not only because it is highly unusual that the strongest chess program is open-source (it's naturally hard to keep a competitive edge when everybody can see your secrets!), but also because it is a mere 9000 lines of C++ code. (This is without a GUI; it interfaces through a standardized protocol known as UCI.) In comparison, Crafty, a far weaker open-source program, is about four times that, GNU Chess is above 40000, and I seem to recall that the Deep Blue program was something like 65000 lines (in addition to, of course, all the code for the ASIC chess chips it contained, and stood for the majority of its chess strength!). So, the development team is really to be commended. It should also be said that TCEC is testing the latest beta versions of most of these engines and while Stockfish is developed in the open, on GitHub, the latest versions of e.g. Komodo and Houdini are private. (This is probably one of the reasons why Stockfish is slightly lower on e.g. the CCRL list, which also computes chess program rating lists by playing games between them.) Now, why does anyone care? Only a very small handful of players would be able to score even a draw against any of these programs in a 10-game match, so does it really matter which one we choose? Or is this some obscure pissing contest? The answer, of course, is that these engines are not primarily useful for competitive play; they are useful for analysis. Almost any player, right down from beginners to the very top players, can benefit from having someone stronger than them look at their games (or others' games!) and say where things went wrong. (Somehow analyzing losses always seem more instructive than analyzing wins. Nobody ever got better by winning, as the saying goes.) And the better a program is at playing chess, the more likely is its analysis to be correct. Of course, for the weaker players, a chess coach is likely to produce much more understandable guidance ( this creates a weak square on c7 is much more palatable than after these 18 moves here, white is 0.48 pawns stronger than you, so this was a bad move , and engines produce the latter sort of output), but they are always available, incredibly strong, and cost much less than a coach. :-) They also add a lot to the otherwise quite hard-to-comprehend activity of watching high-level human players; while the computers do not understand every kind of position equally well, they at least provide some sort of objective verdict on which player has the upper hand, something which can be really hard to discern unless you have very strong players around for commentary. So, in trying to improve my skills a bit, I've been analyzing my games with engines for a while, and recently I've switched from Rybka to Stockfish. (Rybka, a closed-source program, used to be the clear leader of the pack, but after a huge amount of drama involving accusations of who has copied code from who, it seems no longer to be actively developed, and Stockfish is now somewhat stronger.) This, unfortunately, brings me to the things I don't like too much about Stockfish; it seems to behave more erratically than Rybka did in interactive analysis mode. Its score jumps a lot more around when I move something (worse at remember the analysis from the previous position?), and sometimes, it changes its mind a lot when I move back and forth between moves maybe the huge selectivity that makes chess engines so strong these days also make them behave less usefully when only looking at a move for a few seconds. So, even though Stockfish is a fantastic chess engine, and will only get better in the future, maybe I'll go back to Rybka at some point. But then again, maybe I should then check out Komodo or any of the other engines out there or maybe talk to someone who actually knows chess, that would help a lot, too =)

8 September 2012

Steinar H. Gunderson: Video editing on Linux

Lessons learned from trying to do some simple non-linear video editing on Linux: Kdenlive has reached a point where it's usable. Not good by any means there are glaring problems such as the color management support being very rudimentary, almost no multicore support, general lack of optimization, frequent near-crashes, and so on but usable to the point where you can actually create a video from start to end. I'd say it's very roughly comparable to Premiere 5 was, circa 1998, but it's not something I'd recommend to my mother. slowmoVideo, on the other hand, was not very useful to me for framerate up-conversions; the end results were simply too poor given the general complexity in my scenes. It can seemingly do an okay (but not perfect) job for down-conversion if you're willing to hack it a bit and live with general slowness and demand for disk space. So, well, behold the end result, I guess. If you like frisbee, that is.

24 August 2012

Olivier Berger: Generating RDF description of Debian package sources with ADMS.SW

Edit : I ve now managed to roll out my contribution which is now in production on See a later post I ve made on the subject, and beware that the generated RDF has changed a bit also. ADMS.SW proposes specifications for description of software present in software catalogues. I ve tried and apply it to the contents of the Debian Package Tracking System (PTS), using transformation of the information known by the PTS to RDF+XML. The result is not yet in production, but here s an example of what can be done, using the Turtle syntax (more readable) :
<style type="text/css"> .T1 color:#000000; font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; .T2 color:#000000; font-size:12pt; .T3 color:#000000; font-size:8.5pt; .T4 color:#0000ff; font-size:8.5pt; .T5 color:#a020f0; font-size:8.5pt; .T6 color:#228b22; font-size:8.5pt; .T7 color:#b22222; font-size:8.5pt; .T8 color:#008b8b; font-size:8.5pt; .T9 color:#8b2252; font-size:8.5pt; .dp1 .dp2 </style> @base <> .
@prefix rdf: < rdf syntax ns#> .
@prefix admssw: <> .
@prefix doap: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix rdfs: < schema#> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix schema: <> .
@prefix spdx: <> .
@prefix : <> .
@prefix str: <> . #
# First the packaging project for apache2 in Debian
# <> resource :
a admssw:SoftwareProject ;
doap:name "apache2" ;
doap:description "Debian apache2 source packaging" ;
doap:homepage "" ;
schema:contributor [
a foaf:OnlineAccount ;
foaf:accountName "Debian Apache Maintainers" ;
foaf:accountServiceHomepage <>
], [
a foaf:OnlineAccount ;
foaf:accountName "Stefan Fritsch" ;
foaf:accountServiceHomepage <>
], [
a foaf:OnlineAccount ;
foaf:accountName "Steinar H. Gunderson" ;
foaf:accountServiceHomepage <>
], [
a foaf:OnlineAccount ;
foaf:accountName "Arno T ll" ;
foaf:accountServiceHomepage <>
] ;
# pointer to the release in the different suites :
doap:release <apache2_2.2.16 6+squeeze7>, <apache2_2.2.22 11>, <apache2_2.4.2 2>. #
# Now the different debian package source releases
# < 6+squeeze7> resource
<apache2_2.2.16 6+squeeze7>
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "apache2 2.2.16 6+squeeze7" ;
admssw:project <apache2> ;
dcterms:description "Debian apache2 source package version 2.2.16 6+squeeze7" ;
doap:revision "2.2.16 6+squeeze7" . # This one is the reference version for the PTS as in unstable, so
# contains more details than the others
<apache2_2.2.22 11>
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "apache2 2.2.22 11" ;
admssw:project <apache2> ;
dcterms:description "Debian apache2 source package version 2.2.22 11" ;
doap:revision "2.2.22 11" ;
# this release contains two components
admssw:includedAsset <apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11_debian>, <apache2/apache2_2.2.22_orig>
# this release can be downloaded as one package (with dget)
admssw:package <apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11.dsc> ;
# it also has a related release somewhere else
dcterms:relation < 6ubuntu2> .
<apache2_2.4.2 2>
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "apache2 2.4.2 2" ;
dcterms:description "Debian apache2 source package version 2.4.2 2" ; admssw:project <apache2> ;
doap:revision "2.4.2 2" . # Then the .dsc file for the current unstable version
<apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11.dsc>
a admssw:SoftwarePackage ;
dcterms:description "Debian source package descriptor file for apache2 version 2.2.22 11";
schema:downloadUrl " 11.dsc";
schema:fileSize "2885" ;
spdx:checksum [
a spdx:Checksum ;
spdx:algorithm <apache2#checksumAlgorithm_md5sum> ;
spdx:checksumValue "d7d03719b9f6432beeecd3aa04f7b22c"
] . #
# Then the upstream project
a admssw:SoftwareProject ;
doap:description "The apache2 upstream project" ;
# either its name or homepage can be matched against other ADMS.SW
# or DOAP descriptors
doap:name "apache2" ;
doap:homepage "" . # And a upstream release 2.2.22
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "Upstream apache2 release 2.2.22" ;
dcterms:description "Upstream source release for apache2 version 2.2.22" ;
doap:revision "2.2.22" ;
admssw:project <apache2/apache2_orig> ;
# and a link to the upstream source tarball s description
admssw:package <apache2/apache2_2.2.22.orig.tar.gz> . # now the (potentially re archived) upstream source archive for that release
a admssw:SoftwarePackage ;
dcterms:description "Upstream source archive for apache2 version 2.2.22 11 (potentially re archived by Debian)";
schema:downloadUrl "";
# Those 2 bits should help match packagings of the same tarball if needed
schema:fileSize "7200529" ;
spdx:checksum [
a spdx:Checksum ;
spdx:algorithm <apache2#checksumAlgorithm_md5sum> ;
spdx:checksumValue "d77fa5af23df96a8af68ea8114fa6ce1"
] . #
# Now, document specific details of the second component : Debian
# packaging files archive
<apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11_debian>
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "Package sources apache2_2.2.22 11" ;
dcterms:description "Debian packaging sources for apache2 version 2.2.22 11" ;
doap:revision "2.2.22 11" ;
admssw:package <apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11.debian.tar.gz> . <apache2/apache2_2.2.22 11.debian.tar.gz>
a admssw:SoftwarePackage ;
dcterms:description "Debian source package files archive for apache2 version 2.2.22 11" ;
schema:downloadUrl " 11.debian.tar.gz";
schema:fileSize "195980" ;
spdx:checksum [
a spdx:Checksum ;
spdx:algorithm <apache2#checksumAlgorithm_md5sum> ;
spdx:checksumValue "d3d4146ccad51129636b7dbff284a110"
] . #
# Now, we also weave links with the Ubuntu counterparts
a admssw:SoftwareProject ;
doap:description "\"apache2\" source package in Ubuntu" ;
# this one promises some trolls and flames
admssw:forkOf <apache2> ;
doap:homepage "" ;
doap:release < 6ubuntu2> . # and its release known by the PTS
< 6ubuntu2>
a admssw:SoftwareRelease ;
rdfs:label "apache2 2.2.22 6ubuntu2" ;
dcterms:description "\"apache2\" 2.2.22 6ubuntu2 source package in Ubuntu" ;
doap:revision "2.2.22 6ubuntu2" ;
admssw:project <> .

1 July 2012

Steinar H. Gunderson: Leap second

Leap second Hope you used it well.

31 December 2011

Russell Coker: My Blog Server was Cracked

On the 1st of August I noticed that the server which runs my blog among other things was having an occasional SEGV from a sshd process. Unfortunately I was busy and didn t pay much attention to this, which turned out to be a big mistake. On the 12th of September I started investigating this properly and noticed that when someone tried to connect to ssh with password authentication sshd would SEGV after it was denied access to a shared memory region or a semaphore which had a SE Linux type of unconfined_t. I added some SE Linux auditallow rules and discovered that the memory region in question was created by the ssh client. Shortly after that I came to the conclusion that this wasn t some strange feature of ssh (or one of the many shared objects it uses) but hostile activity. The ssh client appeared to be storing passwords that it used in a shared memory region and sshd was also collecting passwords in the same region and presumably offering them to a ssh client which uses some extension to the ssh protocol. The sshd process was crashing because it couldn t handle EPERM on access to shared memory or semaphores. Presumably if the system in question wasn t running SE Linux then the exploit would have remained undetected for a lot longer. At this stage we don t know how the attacker got in. Presumably one of the people with root access ran a ssh client on a compromised system and had their password sniffed. One such client system was mysteriously reinstalled at about that time, the sysadmin of the system in question claimed to have no backups which made it impossible to determine if that system had been compromised. I believe that the sysadmin of the client system knew that their system was compromised, kept that information secret, and allowed other systems to become and remain compromised. The attacker made no good effort to conceal their presence, they replaced ssh, sshd, and ssh-add and didn t bother changing the Debian checksums so the debsums program flagged the files as modified. Note that I have kept copies of the files in question and am willing to share them with anyone who wants to analyse them. Steinar H. Gunderson has named this trojan Ebury [1]. Recovery By the evening of the 13th of September I had the system mostly working again. Jabber still isn t working because ejabberd is difficult to get working at the best of times, I am now investigating whether there is a better Jabber server to use, but as I don t use Jabber often this hasn t been a priority for me. Some of the WordPress plugins I use and all of the WordPress themes that are installed were outside the Debian packaging system, as I couldn t be sure that they hadn t been altered (because the people who wrote WordPress plugins don t keep old versions online) I had to upgrade to the newer versions. Of course the newer versions weren t entirely compatible so I had to use a different theme and I couldn t get all plugins working. Link Within no longer works, not that it ever worked properly [2], I wanted to try Outbrain again but their web site won t let me login (and they haven t responded to my support request). Does anyone know of a good WordPress plugin to provide links to related content? Either related content on my blog or on the Internet in general will be OK. Some people have asked me about the change in appearance of my blog. It was simply impossible (for someone with my PHP skills) to get my blog looking the same way as it did before the server was cracked. I think that the new look is OK and don t mind if people think it looks likw a VW advert VW make great cars, I was very satisfied with the VW Passat I used to drive. Future Plans I had bought some Yubikeys (USB devices that generate one-time passwords) [3] to control access to that server, if I had configured the software to use them then this might not have happened. The use of one-time password devices can prevent passive password-sniffing attacks. It would still allow active attacks (such as using ControlPath/ControlMaster options on the ssh client to allow a hostile party to connect later (EG the -M, -S, and -o ControlPersist options for the ssh client). It s a pity that there doesn t seem to be a way to configure the ssh server to disable ControlMaster. Conclusion It would be good to have some changes to sshd to allow more restrictions on what a client can request, as ControlMaster functionality isn t needed by most users it should be possible to disable it. SE Linux doesn t protect against a compromised client system or any other way of stealing passwords. It did do a good job of stopping Ebury from doing all the things it wanted to do and thus making me aware of the problem. So I count this as a win for SE Linux. Yubikeys are the cheapest and easiest way of managine one-time passwords. I had already bought some for use on the system in question but hadn t got around to configuring them. I have to make that a priority.

15 June 2011

Christian Perrier: So, what happened with Kikithon?

I mentioned this briefly yesterday, but now I'll try to summarize the story of a great surprise and a big moment for me. All this started when my wife Elizabeth and my son Jean-Baptiste wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday. So, it indeed all started months ago, probably early March or something (I don't yet have all the details). Jean-Baptiste described this well on the web site, so I won't go again into details, but basically, this was about getting birthday wishes from my "free software family" in, as you might guess, as many languages as possible. Elizabeth brought the original idea and JB helped her by setting up the website and collecting e-mail addresses of people I usually work with: he grabbed addresses from PO files on Debian website, plus some in his own set of GPG signatures and here we go. And then he started poking dozens of you folks in order to get your wishes for this birthday. Gradually, contributions accumulated on the website, with many challenges for them: be sure to get as many people as possible, poking and re-poking all those FLOSS people who keep forgetting things... It seems that poking people is something that's probably in the Perrier's genes! And they were doing all this without me noticing. As usually in Debian, releasing on time is a no-no. So, it quickly turned out that having everything ready by April 2nd wouldn't be possible. So, their new goal was offering this to me on Pentecost Sunday, which was yesterday. comes the gift. Aha, this looks like a photo album. Could it be a "50 years of Christian" album? But, EH, why is that pic of me, with the red Debconf5 tee-shirt (that features a world map) and a "bubulle" sign, in front of the book? But, EH EH EH, what the .... are doing these word by H0lger, then Fil, then Joey doing on the following pages? And only then, OMG, I discover the real gift they prepared. 106, often bilingual, wishes from 110 people (some were couples!). 18 postcards (one made of wood). 45 languages. One postcard with wishes from nearly every distro representatives at LinuxTag 2011. Dozens of photos from my friends all around the world. All this in a wonderful album. I can't tell what I said. Anyway, JB was shooting a video, so...we'll see. OK, I didn't cry...but it wasn't that far and emotion was really really intense. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, took me a while to realize what you contributed to. It took me the entire afternoon to realize the investment put by Elizabeth and JB (and JB's sisters support) into this. Yes, as many of you wrote, I have an awesome family and they really know how to share their love. I also have an awesome virtual family all around the world. Your words are wholeheartedly appreciated and some were indeed much much much appreciated. Of course, I'll have the book in Banja Luka so that you can see the result. I know (because JB and Elizabeth told me) that many of you were really awaiting to see how it would be received (yes, that includes you, in Germany, who I visited in early May!!!). Again, thank you so much for this incredible gift. Thank you Holger Levsen, Phil Hands, Joey Hess, Lior Kaplan, Martin Michlmayr, Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta, Kenshi "best friend" Muto, Praveen Arimbrathodiyil, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Ana Carolina Comandulli (5 postcards!), Stefano Zacchiroli (1st contribution received by JB, of course), Gunnar Wolf, Enriiiiiico Zini, Clytie Siddall, Frans Pop (by way of Clytie), Tenzin Dendup, Otavio Salvador, Neil McGovern, Konstantinos Margaritis, Luk Claes, Jonas Smedegaard, Pema Geyleg, Meike "sp tzle queen" Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, Torsten Werner, "nette BSD" folks, CentOS Ralph and Brian, Fedora people, SUSE's Jan, Ubuntu's Lucia Tamara, Skolelinux' Paul, Rapha l Hertzog, Lars Wirzenius, Andrew McMillan (revenge in September!), Yasa Giridhar Appaji Nag (now I know my name in Telugu), Amaya Rodrigo, St phane Glondu, Martin Krafft, Jon "maddog" Hall (and God save the queen), Eddy Petri or, Daniel Nylander, Aiet Kolkhi, Andreas "die Katze geht in die K che, wunderbar" Tille, Paul "lets bend the elbow" Wise, Jordi "half-marathon in Banja Luka" Mallach, Steve "as ever-young as I am" Langasek, Obey Arthur Liu, YAMANE Hideki, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Vikram Vincent, Margarita "Bronx cross-country queen" Manterola, Patty Langasek, Aigars Mahinovs (finding a pic *with* you on it is tricky!), Thepittak Karoonboonyanan, Javier "nobody expects the Spanish inquisition" Fern ndez-Sanguino, Varun Hiremath, Moray Allan, David Moreno Garza, Ralf "marathon-man" Treinen, Arief S Fitrianto, Penny Leach, Adam D. Barrat, Wolfgang Martin Borgert, Christine "the mentee overtakes the mentor" Spang, Arjuna Rao Chevala, Gerfried "my best contradictor" Fuchs, Stefano Canepa, Samuel Thibault, Eloy "first samba maintainer" Par s, Josip Rodin, Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Steve McIntyre, Guntupalli Karunakar, Jano Gulja , Karolina Kali , Ben Hutchings, Matej Kova i , Khoem Sokhem, Lisandro "I have the longest name in this list" Dami n Nicanor P rez-Meyer, Amanpreet Singh Alam, H ctor Or n, Hans Nordhaugn, Ivan Mas r, Dr. Tirumurti Vasudevan, John "yes, Kansas is as flat as you can imagine" Goerzen, Jean-Baptiste "Piwet" Perrier, Elizabeth "I love you" Perrier, Peter Eisentraut, Jesus "enemy by nature" Climent, Peter Palfrader, Vasudev Kamath, Miroslav "Chicky" Ku e, Mart n Ferrari, Ollivier Robert, Jure uhalev, Yunqiang Su, Jonathan McDowell, Sampada Nakhare, Nayan Nakhare, Dirk "rendez-vous for Chicago marathon" Eddelbuettel, Elian Myftiu, Tim Retout, Giuseppe Sacco, Changwoo Ryu, Pedro Ribeoro, Miguel "oh no, not him again" Figueiredo, Ana Guerrero, Aur lien Jarno, Kumar Appaiah, Arangel Angov, Faidon Liambotis, Mehdi Dogguy, Andrew Lee, Russ Allbery, Bj rn Steensrud, Mathieu Parent, Davide Viti, Steinar H. Gunderson, Kurt Gramlich, Vanja Cvelbar, Adam Conrad, Armi Be irovi , Nattie Mayer-Hutchings, Joerg "dis shuld be REJECTed" Jaspert and Luca Capello. Let's say it gain:

13 June 2011

Christian Perrier: So, what happened with Kikithon?

I mentioned this briefly yesterday, but now I'll try to summarize the story of a great surprise and a big moment for me. All this started when my wife Elizabeth and my son Jean-Baptiste wanted to do something special for my 50th birthday. So, it indeed all started months ago, probably early March or something (I don't yet have all the details). Jean-Baptiste described this well on the web site, so I won't go again into details, but basically, this was about getting birthday wishes from my "free software family" in, as you might guess, as many languages as possible. Elizabeth brought the original idea and JB helped her by setting up the website and collecting e-mail addresses of people I usually work with: he grabbed addresses from PO files on Debian website, plus some in his own set of GPG signatures and here we go. And then he started poking dozens of you folks in order to get your wishes for this birthday. Gradually, contributions accumulated on the website, with many challenges for them: be sure to get as many people as possible, poking and re-poking all those FLOSS people who keep forgetting things... It seems that poking people is something that's probably in the Perrier's genes! And they were doing all this without me noticing. As usually in Debian, releasing on time is a no-no. So, it quickly turned out that having everything ready by April 2nd wouldn't be possible. So, their new goal was offering this to me on Pentecost Sunday, which was yesterday. comes the gift. Aha, this looks like a photo album. Could it be a "50 years of Christian" album? But, EH, why is that pic of me, with the red Debconf5 tee-shirt (that features a world map) and a "bubulle" sign, in front of the book? But, EH EH EH, what the .... are doing these word by H0lger, then Fil, then Joey doing on the following pages? And only then, OMG, I discover the real gift they prepared. 106, often bilingual, wishes from 110 people (some were couples!). 18 postcards (one made of wood). 45 languages. One postcard with wishes from nearly every distro representatives at LinuxTag 2011. Dozens of photos from my friends all around the world. All this in a wonderful album. I can't tell what I said. Anyway, JB was shooting a video, so...we'll see. OK, I didn't cry...but it wasn't that far and emotion was really really intense. Guys, ladies, gentlemen, took me a while to realize what you contributed to. It took me the entire afternoon to realize the investment put by Elizabeth and JB (and JB's sisters support) into this. Yes, as many of you wrote, I have an awesome family and they really know how to share their love. I also have an awesome virtual family all around the world. Your words are wholeheartedly appreciated and some were indeed much much much appreciated. Of course, I'll have the book in Banja Luka so that you can see the result. I know (because JB and Elizabeth told me) that many of you were really awaiting to see how it would be received (yes, that includes you, in Germany, who I visited in early May!!!). Again, thank you so much for this incredible gift. Thank you Holger Levsen, Phil Hands, Joey Hess, Lior Kaplan, Martin Michlmayr, Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta, Kenshi "best friend" Muto, Praveen Arimbrathodiyil, Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Ana Carolina Comandulli (5 postcards!), Stefano Zacchiroli (1st contribution received by JB, of course), Gunnar Wolf, Enriiiiiico Zini, Clytie Siddall, Frans Pop (by way of Clytie), Tenzin Dendup, Otavio Salvador, Neil McGovern, Konstantinos Margaritis, Luk Claes, Jonas Smedegaard, Pema Geyleg, Meike "sp tzle queen" Reichle, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl, Torsten Werner, "nette BSD" folks, CentOS Ralph and Brian, Fedora people, SUSE's Jan, Ubuntu's Lucia Tamara, Skolelinux' Paul, Rapha l Hertzog, Lars Wirzenius, Andrew McMillan (revenge in September!), Yasa Giridhar Appaji Nag (now I know my name in Telugu), Amaya Rodrigo, St phane Glondu, Martin Krafft, Jon "maddog" Hall (and God save the queen), Eddy Petri or, Daniel Nylander, Aiet Kolkhi, Andreas "die Katze geht in die K che, wunderbar" Tille, Paul "lets bend the elbow" Wise, Jordi "half-marathon in Banja Luka" Mallach, Steve "as ever-young as I am" Langasek, Obey Arthur Liu, YAMANE Hideki, Jaldhar H. Vyas, Vikram Vincent, Margarita "Bronx cross-country queen" Manterola, Patty Langasek, Aigars Mahinovs (finding a pic *with* you on it is tricky!), Thepittak Karoonboonyanan, Javier "nobody expects the Spanish inquisition" Fern ndez-Sanguino, Varun Hiremath, Moray Allan, David Moreno Garza, Ralf "marathon-man" Treinen, Arief S Fitrianto, Penny Leach, Adam D. Barrat, Wolfgang Martin Borgert, Christine "the mentee overtakes the mentor" Spang, Arjuna Rao Chevala, Gerfried "my best contradictor" Fuchs, Stefano Canepa, Samuel Thibault, Eloy "first samba maintainer" Par s, Josip Rodin, Daniel Kahn Gillmor, Steve McIntyre, Guntupalli Karunakar, Jano Gulja , Karolina Kali , Ben Hutchings, Matej Kova i , Khoem Sokhem, Lisandro "I have the longest name in this list" Dami n Nicanor P rez-Meyer, Amanpreet Singh Alam, H ctor Or n, Hans Nordhaugn, Ivan Mas r, Dr. Tirumurti Vasudevan, John "yes, Kansas is as flat as you can imagine" Goerzen, Jean-Baptiste "Piwet" Perrier, Elizabeth "I love you" Perrier, Peter Eisentraut, Jesus "enemy by nature" Climent, Peter Palfrader, Vasudev Kamath, Miroslav "Chicky" Ku e, Mart n Ferrari, Ollivier Robert, Jure uhalev, Yunqiang Su, Jonathan McDowell, Sampada Nakhare, Nayan Nakhare, Dirk "rendez-vous for Chicago marathon" Eddelbuettel, Elian Myftiu, Tim Retout, Giuseppe Sacco, Changwoo Ryu, Pedro Ribeoro, Miguel "oh no, not him again" Figueiredo, Ana Guerrero, Aur lien Jarno, Kumar Appaiah, Arangel Angov, Faidon Liambotis, Mehdi Dogguy, Andrew Lee, Russ Allbery, Bj rn Steensrud, Mathieu Parent, Davide Viti, Steinar H. Gunderson, Kurt Gramlich, Vanja Cvelbar, Adam Conrad, Armi Be irovi , Nattie Mayer-Hutchings, Joerg "dis shuld be REJECTed" Jaspert and Luca Capello. Let's say it gain:

26 October 2010

Steinar H. Gunderson: Blog move

I moved my blog to another host and another pyblosxom version. Apologies if I flood Planet Debian. :-)

14 March 2010

Steinar H. Gunderson: Non-freeware

I wonder what happens if I package Tiberian Sun with a WINE wrapper and upload it to non-free.

14 September 2009

Russell Coker: Links September 2009

The NYT has an interesting article about research into treating insomnia over the internet [1]. I wonder how many other psychological issues can be effectively treated over the net. From next year all Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate sold in Australia will be made from fair-trade cocoa [2]. Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate is the most popular type of chocolate sold in Australia so this is a significant market shift. For a long time Cadbury has sold fair trade chocolate under the name Green and Black. Of course we now have to wait for Cadbury to use fair trade cocoa in all their other chocolate varieties. Mike Rowe gave an interesting TED talk about the value of manual labour [3]. He suggested that there should be a PR campaign for skilled manual labour jobs and noted that his observation (through his work on his Dirty Jobs TV series) was that the people who do some of the less popular jobs appear to be happier. The web site has some interesting analysis of statistical information on countries and regions [4]. It is based on the work of Hans Rosling who is well known for his high quality TED talks [5]. Unfortunately the web site requires Flash, I will probably try it out with Gnash some time. Miru Kim gave a TED talk about her work photographing herself nude in abandoned buildings and industrial spaces [6]. Among other things she photographed herself lying naked on a pile of bones in the crypt underneath Paris which is fairly dangerous. I ve visited the crypt, it s an interesting experience but I was very careful to touch nothing you never know which of the bones came from victims of smallpox and other nasty diseases. Strangely they have an ongoing problem of visitors stealing bones, when I visited there were several bones at the exit that had been confiscated from visitors some of which had mummified flesh attached Steinar H. Gunderson wrote a good description of the basics of how the TCP protocol works [7]. He also links to a web page he wrote that will measure your potential TCP throughput and give you information on the link. This is really handy if you are behind some sort of firewall and want to know what is being done to your TCP stream when it s in transit. Apparently Christian couples tend to use a shared email account to reduce the risk of cheating [8]. It s hardly a surprise that Christians have a much higher divorce rate than atheists and agnostics [9]. The NY Times has an interesting article about iPhones overloading the AT&T network [10]. Recently I ve been having some problems sending MMS with my Three phone, some relatives who use Three have been having connection problems in certain areas with marginal signal quality, and the download speed of my Three data connection is significantly reduced (used to be ~70KB/s, now I m lucky to get 20KB/s). I suspect that the new smart phones that are being sold are largely to blame. But the up-side is that when they engineer their network to work properly with the smart phones then my Internet use (ssh and basic web browsing) will work really well. Michael Tieman wrote an interesting blog post about software patents which compares them to Land Mines [11]. Of course this analogy falls down badly while the US is still leading the world in manufacturing land mines. Rebecca Saxe gave an interesting TED talk about how brains make moral judgeents [12]. In her research she did some tests with using magnetic pulses to decrease the function of the region of the brain that allows people to judge the others and she was able to significantly affect the results of judgement tests. Brendan Scott analyses the netbook wars and concludes that it has been a significant loss for Microsoft [13]. ArsTechnica has an analysis of the real word-processing requirements [14], they suggest that in most cases MS-Word (and other word-processor) documents could be replaced with HTML or Wiki pages for a better end result.

4 September 2009

Marc 'Zugschlus' Haber: TCP and mobile IP

Steinar H. Gunderson, sesse, has written an interesting article about TCP performance. I didn t find your blog s comment function, so I am commenting with a trackback. (note: which didn t work either, The auto-discovered trackback URI does not match our target URI ) I frequently use mobile internet, using various of the German GSM/UMTS network operators, out of a moving train. As you have written, this frequently causes packet loss which is not only not caused by congestion, but sends the congestion avoidance algorithms on a false path. For example, when the train passes through the 3575 m long Distelrasentunnel between Frankfurt and Fulda, my network link is broken for like two minutes. Passing through other parts of Germany sometimes gives me a ping response of hundreds of thousands of microseconds by virtue of the rather huge send buffer the UMTS equipment has. In these circumstances, ssh sessions frequently take tens of minutes to notice that the network is back before the session is useable again. Frequently, it doesn t come up again before an hour has passed. And I have not found a way to work myself around this. Can you explain what s happening here, and do you have any ideas to solve the issue?

18 May 2008

Russell Coker: Debian SSH Problems

It has recently been announced that Debian had a serious bug in the OpenSSL code [1], the most visible affect of this is compromising SSH keys - but it can also affect VPN and HTTPS keys. Erich Schubert was one of the first people to point out the true horror of the problem, only 2^15 different keys can be created [2]. It should not be difficult for an attacker to generate 2^15 host keys to try all combinations for decrypting a login session. It should also be possible to make up to 2^15 attempts to login to a session remotely if an attacker believes that an authorized key was being used - that would take less than an hour at a rate of 10 attempts per second (which is possible with modern net connections) and could be done in a day if the server was connected to the net by a modem. John Goerzen has some insightful thoughts about the issue [3]. I recommend reading his post. One point he makes is that the person who made the mistake in question should not be lynched. One thing I think we should keep in mind is the fact that people tend to be more careful after they have made mistakes, I expect that anyone who makes a mistake in such a public way which impacts so many people will be very careful for a long time… Steinar H. Gunderson analyses the maths in relation to DSA keys, it seems that if a DSA key is ever used with a bad RNG then it can be cracked by someone who sniffs the network [4]. It seems that it is safest to just not use DSA to avoid this risk. Another issue is that if a client supports multiple host keys (ssh version 2 can use three different key types, one for the ssh1 protocol, one for ssh2 with RSA, and one for ssh2 with DSA) then a man in the middle attack can be implemented by forcing a client to use a different key type - see Stealth’s article in Phrack for the details [5]. So it seems that we should remove support for anything other than SSHv2 with RSA keys. To remove such support from the ssh server edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and make sure it has a line with “Protocol 2“, and that the only HostKey line references an RSA key. To remove it from the ssh client (the important thing) edit /etc/ssh/ssh_config and make sure that it has something like the following: Host *
Protocol 2
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa
ForwardX11 no
ForwardX11Trusted no You can override this for different machines. So if you have a machine that uses DSA only then it would be easy to add a section: Host strange-machine
Protocol 2
HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-dsa So making the default configuration of the ssh client on all machines you manage has the potential to dramatically reduce the incidence of MITM attacks from the less knowledgable users. When skilled users who do not have root access need to change things they can always edit the file ~/.ssh/config (which has the same syntax as /etc/ssh/ssh_config) or they can use command-line options to override it. The command ssh -o “HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-dsa” user@server will force the use of DSA encryption even if the configuration file requests RSA. Enrico Zini describes how to use ssh-keygen to get the fingerprint of the host key [6]. One thing I have learned from comments on this post is how to get a fingerprint from a known hosts file. A common situation is that machine A has a known hosts file with an entry for machine B. I want to get the right key in machine C and there is no way of directly communicating between machine A and machine C (EG they are in different locations with no network access). In that situation the command “ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts” can be used to display all the fingerprints of hosts that you have connected to in the past, then it’s a simple matter of grepping the output. Docunext has an interesting post about ways of mitigating such problems [7]. One thing that they suggest is using fail2ban to block IP addresses that appear to be trying to do brute-force attacks. It’s unfortunate that the version of fail2ban in Debian uses /tmp/fail2ban.sock for it’s Unix domain socket for talking to the server (the version in Unstable uses /var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock). They also mention patching network drivers to add entropy to the kernel random number generator. One thing that seems interesting is the package randomsound (currently in Debian/Unstable) which takes ALSA sound input as a source of entropy, note that you don’t need to have any sound input device connected. When considering fail2ban and similar things, it’s probably best to start by restricting the number of machines which can connect to your SSH server. Firstly if you put it on a non-default port then it’ll take some brute-force to find it. This will waste some of the attacker’s time and also make the less persistent attackers go elsewhere. One thing that I am considering is having a few unused ports configured such that any IP address which connects to them gets added to my NetFilter configuration - if you connect to such ports then you can’t connect to any other ports for a week (or until the list becomes too full). So if for example I had port N configured in such a manner and port N+100 used for ssh listening then it’s likely that someone who port-scans my server would be blocked before they even discovered the SSH server. Does anyone know of free software to do this? The next thing to consider is which IP addresses may connect. If you were to allow all the IP addresses from all the major ISPs in your country to connect to your server then it would still be a small fraction of the IP address space. Sure attackers could use machines that they already cracked in your country to launch their attacks, but they would have to guess that you had such a defense in place, and even so it would be an inconvenience for them. You don’t necessarily need to have a perfect defense, you only need to make the effort to reward ratio be worse for attacking you than for attacking someone else. Note that I am not advocating taking a minimalist approach to security, merely noting that even a small increment in the strength of your defenses can make a significant difference to the risk you face. Update: based on comments I’m now considering knockd to open ports on demand. The upstream site for knockd is here [8], and some documentation on setting it up in Debian is here [9]. The concept of knockd is that you make connections to a series of ports which act as a password for changing the firewall rules. An attacker who doesn’t know those port numbers won’t be able to connect. Of course anyone who can sniff your network will discover the ports soon enough, but I guess you can always login and change the port numbers once knockd has let you in. Also thanks to Helmut for advice on ssh-keygen.

8 February 2007

Steinar H. Gunderson: Gngngn

Don't you just hate it when you pick up some software, start using it and immediately crop into three distinct bugs? Today's frustration is brought to you by ESR. Our motto: It's not my design that's broken, it's the equipment. And if you try to add configuration options to adjust better to the equipment, I will refuse your patch.

2 February 2007

Amaya Rodrigo: Sender verify callouts *are* evil

Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> Who the heck is uceprotect , and should anyone care?
> At least they obviously don t have much idea how sender verify works,
> as you can see from their page on the issue...

Well, as I can t properly or reliably communicate with the Debian project via email anymore, I was about to allow sender verify probes on my side, but after reading what the Postfix project has to say about it, together with the uceprotect people, who look quite harsh, but otherwise reasonable to me... I say no way. Who the heck is postfix , and should anyone care? At least they obviously have a clue about how sender verify works, as you can see from their page on the issue...

I am sick of changing configuration in my (otherwise) almost perfectly working smtp server, specially if I am opening my postfix server to a potential DoS. From the link above:
The sender/recipient address verification feature described in this document is suitable only for low-traffic sites. It performs poorly under high load and may cause your site to be blacklisted by some providers.

Is Debian a low-traffic site? I am feeling cut out from the project, as I can no longer email certain (not all) accounts, bug numbers in the BTS (control still works), and Alioth mailing lists. I refuse to misconfigure my email server because of this. This is plain stupid!

Greylisting was a minor nuissance. This is $FILL_IN_WITH_CURSE_OF_CHOICE:
-Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient-------
A57EB890041 1173 Fri Feb 2 19:52:34
(host[] said: 451 Could not complete sender verify callout (in reply to RCPT TO command))

Spammers have already won. I hereby proclaim email officially dead.

1 February 2007

MJ Ray: Debian: No Mail Today

As far as I can tell, I was not getting any email from because master cached a bogus MX record for Update 2: superstar DSAs stroked the right widget so email should start flowing again. I think I can't email anyone at or lists because debian uses sender verify. Update: It seems that's use of sender verify means debian will get blacklisted. An anonymous commenter posted:
"I'm arguing against Debian admins using Sender Verify because it's evil. Even uceprotect will list them if they caught a mail from them:"
Update: Steinar H. Gunderson - Sender verify says we shouldn't care.

18 November 2006

Sven Mueller: CBDS and kittens

Steinar H. Gunderson wrote about CDBS once again, and I couldn’t agree more. CDBS introduces a lot of complexity for non-trivial packages, and it especially is basically undocumented. So what is CDBS’s value? For non-trivial packages, it is hard to use, since you basically need to decipher the CDBS code. For trivial packages however, it doesn’t add much value over dh_make. That’s actually sad: I like the general idea behind CDBS, but it is implemented badly IMHO. What it should do, if implemented right is to automate anything you want done on an easy package while providing and documenting (which includes consistently named hooks and options) all the interfaces needed to maintain non-trivial packages. Ideally, this would even include packages which need multiple build runs (like providing two differently configured versions of the same binary in two packages). But as said: It would need consistent names and proper documentation, and CDBS fails both currently. I however hope this improves in the future. Don’t ask me to work on this however, since personally, I’m quite happy using debhelper on my packages, since it is removing complexity (not typing work or lines of code) from debian/rules while keeping it obvious from that file what is done during a build. I would really like to see the reasoning from Erich on why he thinks CDBS is NMU-friendly, since I don’t get why he thinks so from his blog post.

15 November 2006

Erich Schubert: CDBS is NMU-friendly

Steinar H. Gunderson even threatens kittens because of it, and Steve McIntyre ranted against using CDBS for packaging, claiming that it's much harder to fix bugs in packages that use CDBS. I have to disagree. More than once I've given up on fixing a bug in a package because I couldn't decrypt the huge makefiles used for building the package. For private packages I often switch over packages to CDBS then, so I don't have to fiddle around with a build system noone except the original maintainer understands. And every now and then I fix a bug in Debian, but don't upload it because I replaced the "magic" build system with CDBS magic... While CDBS does a lot of "black magic" to build packages, it usually does quite a good job. If it doesn't, it maybe even is a bug in CDBS, that happens. debian/rules files that use CDBS are usually quite easy to read, even easier than traditional debhelper template-based scripts. And that is why I think that CDBS is a good thing: it does a good job at separating package-specific and package-independendant build scripting. Maybe all we need is more documentation on how to properly fix common issues in CDBS, starting with misplaced or misnamed files etc. CDBS has a lot of hooks, but it's not obvious which hooks to use for which fixes. (Note that sometimes the fix should maybe be done in the upstream makefile instead.) On the long run, Debian could use a more unified way of packaging. Debhelper has already unified package building a lot, and CDBS maybe goes one step too far, but ideally we would all be able to understand each others debian/rules.

